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Mia Marija Gačić
JeboTon is preparing the biggest party to date

JeboTon is preparing the biggest party to date

At the place where parties kicked off back in 2011, on February 10th, Club Boogaloo will host the biggest JeboTon party to date. With energetic performances by Jeboton ensemble, Porto Morto, Idem, Peglice, Komandons, Bakalar, and others, you can expect a guaranteed good time. As we eagerly await the biggest party yet, we have prepared an exclusive interview with members of the JeboTon ensemble for you.

Describe briefly how the collaboration works, was it challenging to bring people together?

People practically come together on their own, but the collaboration itself was often complicated because Jeboton was initially conceived as a circle of friends rather than a structured institution with a clear vision of progress. Decisions were often (not) made in plenums composed of a multitude of different opinions. Some of us have taken a bit of a lead now, steering more towards inclusivity, a label, and the overall development of the story. Persistence and mutual affection remain crucial.

What were some challenges you encountered over the years?

There was everything – many bands breaking up and re-forming, people coming and going. The number of people and direct democracy within the collective were always both a significant advantage and disadvantage. Due to this structure, we experienced a lot of stress and conflicts, but at the end of the day, we gained more than we lost.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

From our surroundings, the music we listen to, and each other.

What can we expect at the biggest party in Boogaloo so far?

Expect a bunch of old friends, internal jokes, millennials, yelling, and jumping, all wrapped up in the energy and atmosphere that only the largest and longest-standing regional independent collective can create.

What are the plans for the future?

What excites us the most is the fact that this year, we are releasing several significant releases. Additionally, we are diving deeper into event organization. We are expanding, planning, strategizing, and having a good time.

Tickets for the biggest party in town can be found here.

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