Week at CoreEvent: Laughter, Dance, and Fun
Another exciting week full of entertainment across Croatia is ahead of us! From stand-up performances that will make audiences laugh nationwide, to concerts and unforgettable parties, there’s something for everyone. Here’s a brief overview of the events you can find on our website.
SplickaScena brings laughter to audiences along the Adriatic coast.
Komičari SplickeScene ovaj tjedan posjećuju čak 4 mjesta, Hvar, Ugljen, Split i Komižu. U četvrtak, 4. srpnja u Stari Grad na Hvaru svoj stand up nastup “Ja sam takav” održati će Tomislav Primorac. Energičan, emotivan i uvijek ispunjen pozitivnom energijom, Primorac traži smiješnu ljepotu u svakodnevici, a svojom domišljatom logikom nasmijava ljude svih dobi. Isti dan, za one kojima je Hvar možda daleko, na Ugljanu nastupa još jedno lice SplickeScene, Josip Škiljo sa svojim stand up nastupom “To ti je ta šema”. Kroz sat i pol showa, Škiljo će prepirčavati svoju svakodnevnicu, bilo da je u pitanju familija, posao ili samo blesave ideje koje mu padaju na pamet kada ode na putovanje ili se susretne s državnom administracijom.
Nedjelja je rezervirana za dva preostala stand-up nastupa. Josip Škiljo nastupa s “To ti je ta šema” u Komiži, dok Split nudi nešto malo drugačije - stand-up na engleskom jeziku. Homeland Tour donosi komičare Stanka Zovaka i Georgea Dulcicha koji se vraćaju u Hrvatsku kako bi donijeli smijeh iz SAD-a, Hrvatske i svojih putovanja širom svijeta!
Vlatko Štampar celebrates 15 years of his career
Over the past 15 years of his career, Vlatko has performed at various venues such as pubs, restaurants, festivals, theaters, weddings, and other events. With 5 stand-up specials like “Bratec je trd”, “Štamparska greška”, “Odraslost”, “Bolja polovica”, and “Zabezeknut”, he has created over 10 hours of original material that combines humorous comments with deeper thoughts. His ability to simultaneously entertain and provoke thought has made him a favorite comedian across the former Yugoslavia. He will celebrate his 15 years of career on July 5th at the rooftop terrace of the Youth Center Ribnjak.
On Saturday, Punat on Krk Island becomes a place of entertainment once again. This time, it’s thanks to the Glow Party by Medusa, with DJs Dugina and Zack-O ensuring this party is not to be missed.
In addition to stand-up comedy, this week offers a real treat for Iron Maiden fans. In Dubrovnik, specifically at Lazareti Club, the Iron Maiden tribute band - RAINMAKER - is coming. Members of this band come from many renowned metal and rock bands from Belgrade, and over their ten years of existence, they faithfully recreate the energy and sound of the legendary British band. In their two-hour performance, RAINMAKER will cover Iron Maiden’s rich discography, and they advise Dubrovnik’s audience to prepare for a true heavy metal frenzy!
Tickets and other events can be found at the link.