Najbolji mali festival u regiji, TAM TAM Music Festival, ove godine se održava od 8. do 16. srpnja 2023. godine u Sućurju na krajnjem istoku otoka Hvara.✨
Tijekom proteklih godina TAM TAM Music Festival je izrastao od druženja glazbenika do događaja koji ima reputaciju kao jedan od najboljih malih festivala u regiji. Otok Hvar, zahvaljujući TAM TAM Music Festivalu, tradicionalno 9 dana ljeta postaje utočište za sve ljubitelje nezavisne regionalne glazbe. Svi koju su već bili dio našeg festivala često nam se vraćaju, a ove godine pozivamo i one koji još nisu imali tu priliku, da iskuse TAM TAM iskustvo i postanu dio naše male ljetne familije.
The best small festival in the region, TAM TAM Music Festival, will be held this year from July 8 to 16, 2023 in Sućurj on the far east of the island of Hvar.✨
Over the past years, TAM TAM Music Festival has grown from a gathering of musicians to an event that has a reputation as one of the best small festivals in the region. The island of Hvar, thanks to the TAM TAM Music Festival, traditionally becomes a haven for all lovers of independent regional music for 9 days of summer. Everyone who has already been a part of our festival often returns, and this year we invite those who haven't yet had the opportunity to experience the TAM TAM experience to become part of our little summer family.