Queer Zagreb sezona 2024.Ben Grinberg (SAD) ─ Queer acrobatics, radionica
18.5.2024. | 10:00 – 11:30
Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10 – SIVA DVORANA
Participacija: 5 €
Na radionici ćemo istraživati akrobatske vještine u parovima i kreativna rješenja koja nadilaze tradicionalne uloge baze/letača koje se prečesto rodno određuju i usvajaju heteronormativnu dinamiku. Radionica poziva nenormativna tijela, otvorena neverbalnoj komunikaciji fizičke povezanosti kako bi izgradili povjerenje, intimnost i uzajamnu podršku kroz pokret. Radionica je prikladna za “kretače” svih razina, a ukoliko je moguće prijavite se u parovima (partneri podjednake visine i težine). Molimo ponosite odjeću, od ne skliskog materijala, u kojoj se možete slobodno kretati.
Ben Grinberg (SAD) djeluje u području izvedbene umjetnosti, klaunerije i pedagogije, na sjecištu suvremenog cirkusa i plesnog kazališta. Diplomira na Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training (sada Pig Iron UArts MFA, gdje radi kao član nastavnog osoblja). Grinberg suosniva i dugi niz godina umjetnički vodi nagrađivani ansambl Almanac Dance Circus Theatre, a od 2017-2021 sudjeluje u osnivanju Circadiuma, prvog američkog programa koji dodjeljuje certifikate u suvremenom cirkuskom izvođenju. U okviru Almanaca dobiva nagrade Rocky 2020., Suraya nagrade 2017. te Barrymore nagrade za izvanredan pokret/koreografiju za xoxo moongirl, koji također režira.
Queer Zagreb sezona 2024: https://thisisadominoproject.org/
This workshop will explore partner acrobatic skills and creative scores that push beyond traditional base/flyer roles that too often can be gendered and mimic heteronormative dynamics. This workshop invites the participation of same-sized and non-normative bodies, utilizing non-verbal languages of physical connection to build trust, intimacy, and unlock cycles of mutual support through movement. This workshop is appropriate for movers of all levels – please wear clothes you can move in with non-slippery materials.
Ben Grinberg (he/they) is a Philadelphia-based performing artist, director, clown and educator working at the intersection of contemporary circus and ensemble dance theatre. His work embraces the earnest awkwardness of connection and the mess of existing in a world of collapsing structures. He is a graduate of the inaugural class of the Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training (now the Pig Iron UArts MFA, where he is also on Faculty). Grinberg is co-founder, and longtime Artistic Director of Almanac Dance Circus Theatre, an award-winning and internationally touring physical performance ensemble, and from 2017-2021 was a founding core faculty member at Circadium, the nation’s first certificate granting program in contemporary circus performance. With Almanac, they won a 2020 Rocky Award, a 2017 Suraya Award, and a 2019 Barrymore Award for Outstanding Movement/Choreography for xoxo moongirl, which they also directed.
Queer Zagreb Season 2024: https://thisisadominoproject.org/