Martinska Punk Festival: Datumi i najpovoljnije ulaznice su tu!
Ako je po nečemu poznata Martinska nasuprot Šibenika, onda je to bogata povijest punk festivala. Omiljena destinacija i ove godine pruža utočište svim štovateljima tog beskompromisnog gazbenog pravca - Martinska Punk Festival zakazan je 24., 25. i 26. srpnja 2025.!
U srcu sezone Martinska i Šibenik donose tri dana punka: gitare, pjesme s porukom, poganje, ljetna zezancija.
Prva imena uskoro! Do tad najpovoljnije 'Blind tickets' u prodaji.
Martinska Punk Festival: Dates and the Most Affordable Tickets Are Here!
If Martinska, Šibenik, Croatia is known for anything, it’s the rich history of punk festivals. This favorite destination is once again providing a haven for all devotees of this uncompromising music genre - the Martinska Punk Festival is set for July 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2025!
In the peak of the summer season, Martinska and Šibenik bring three days of punk: guitars, songs with a message, moshing, and summer fun.
The first lineup announcement are coming soon! Until then, the most affordable 'Blind Tickets' are on sale.