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Velvet Festival predstavlja: Soichi Terada (JPN) u Zagrebu!

Autonomni kulturni centar - Attack
Pierottijeva ulica 11, Zagreb, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Kupi ulaznice

Soichi Ter­a­da has long been a bas­tion of charm­ing house music in Japan. A recent show­case of his work by Hunee — ​“Sounds From The Far East” — on the Rush Hour label, though, has turned a west­ern audi­ence on to his pleas­ing­ly naïve yet emo­tion­al­ly res­o­nant sound, and as such he is now head­ing over with a full live show. 

Over the course of a long career that dates back to the ​‘80s, Ter­a­da has been respon­si­ble for the sound­tracks of com­put­er games like Ape Escape, as well as for count­less great releas­es on his Far East Record­ings label along­side good friend Shinichi­ro Yoko­ta.

With a sound that bares the sub­tle hall­marks of 80s and 90s New York, Ter­a­da has con­tin­u­al­ly cooked up his own melod­i­cal­ly rich slant on house, and for that rea­son he has always stood out. Rang­ing in style from per­son­al­able and fun to more moody and soul­ful, he has a broad sound palette that is full of humour and real char­ac­ter. Tracks like the Lar­ry Lev­an backed ​”Sun Show­er,” which he pro­duced in 1989 for the Japan­ese singer Nami Shi­ma­da, are full melody and stir­ring arrange­ment so nev­er fail to con­nect with dancers and DJs alike. 

His live show re-cre­ates these clas­sic old tracks — as well as those from the Rush Hour com­pi­la­tion — in cap­ti­vat­ing fashion.


Soichi Terada + TBA


Early Bird - 10 EUR

Pre - Sale - 12 EUR

Na ulazu - 15 EUR

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