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Image Ufomammut, Omega Sun i Rifftree

Ufomammut, Omega Sun i Rifftree


Ulaznice / Tickets

Early Bird: 13 €


HR: Više od dva desetljeća, Ufomammut je kombinirao težinu i veličanstvenost obožavanja dinamičnog rifa s nijansiranim razumijevanjem psihodelične tradicije i povijesti u glazbi, stvarajući kozmički, futuristički i tehničarski zvuk predodređen za apsolutno uranjanje u njega. Hidden je deseti album Ufomammuta i označava promjenu u glazbenom sastavu benda, s ciljem intenzivnijeg i težeg zvuka, a treće je izdanje na kojem je Levre novi bubnjar benda. Naslov, Hidden, odražava koncept prisutnosti svega u našem postojanju i sposobnost da iznesemo na vidjelo ono što leži u nama. Uz Hidden, Ufomammut ulazi u zvučno putovanje koje prolazi golemim prostorom i vremenom. Od razorne težine do nevjerojatnih melodija, od teksturiranih skladbi do nezemaljskih atmosfera, Hidden svjedoči o beskrajnoj evoluciji Ufomammuta i njihovom majstorstvu stvaranja imerzivnih zvučnih iskustava: prikladna proslava njihovih 25 godina istraživanja zvuka i eksperimentiranja.

ENG: For more than two decades, Ufomammut has combined the heaviness and majesty of dynamic riff worship with a nuanced understanding of psychedelic tradition and history in music, creating a cosmic, futuristic, and technicolor sound destined for absolute immersion. Hidden in the 10th album of Ufomammut it marks a shift in the band's musical composition, aiming for a more intense and heavy sound, and it’s the third release featuring Levre as the band’s new drummer. The title, Hidden, reflects the concept of the presence of everything in our existence and the ability to bring to light what lies within us. With Hidden, Ufomammut delves into a sonic journey that traverses vast expanses of space and time. From the crushing heaviness to the hauntingly melodies, from the textured compositions to the otherworldly atmospheres, Hidden testify to the neverending evolution of Ufomammut and their mastery of creating immersive sonic experiences: a fitting celebration of their 25 years of sonic exploration and experimentation.





HR:Slovenski heavy stoner fuzz Omega Sun započeli su 2013. Nakon nekih previranja i promjena članova 2017. Omega Sun je konačno uspio snimiti i objaviti svoj debitantski album Opium For The Masses; kao power trio koji čine Igor (vokal, bas), Seba (bubnjevi) i Aris (gitara). Bend je 2022. završio rad na svom drugom cjelovečernjem albumu Roadkill. Album je 2023. objavio No Profit Recordings s time da je ovo prva svirka benda u Puli od izlaska albuma.

ENG: Slovenian heavy fuzz rockers Omega Sun started in 2013. After some turmoil and member changes in 2017 Omega Sun finally managed to record and release their debut full-length Opium For The Masses; as a power trio consisting of Igor (vocals, bass), Seba (drums) and Aris (guitar). In 2022 the band finished the work on their 2nd full length Roadkill. The album was released in 2023 by No Profit Recordings and this is the first gig for the band in Pula since the album release.





HR: Rifftree je zagrebački duo s dva EP-a iza sebe. Čudan megamix dooma, sludgea, fuzza, stonera, psihodelije i noisea.

ENG: Rifftree is a Zagreb duo with two EPs behind them. A strange megamix of doom, sludge, fuzz, stoner, psychedelia and noise.




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