Poveznica kopirana u međuspremnik

Sea Sound Festival 2025

Martinska, Šibenik
Kanal Luka, Šibenik, Croatia
Kupi ulaznice

Sea Sound Festival najavljuje svoje drugo izdanje. Vrijeme radnje: 17. – 20. srpnja 2025., mjesto radnje: Martinska, Šibenik, Hrvatska!

Festival se svojim prvim izdanjem istaknuo kao rijetko događanje u zemlji koje svojim posjetiteljima i umjetnicima nudi uživanje u zvuku emitiranom isključivo na custom made sound systemima. Istim putem Sea Sound nastavlja i dalje.

Raznolikost žanrova, stage takeoveri domaćih DJ crewova, live svirke, mnoštvo domaćih i stranih glazbenika obilježit će ova četiri festivalska dana na Martinskoj.Na Sea Sound Festivalu nastupaju veliki Channel One i P.A.I.N., punk/ska/reggae pioniri.

Glazbena imena iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva prvi su najavljeni umjetnici na drugom Sea Soundu.Channel One, četvrtak 17. srpnja

P.A.I.N., petak 18. srpnja

Tri sound systema koji će ove godine oplemeniti festivalske pozornice: Seasplash Sound System, Roadtripper Sound System i Prevara Sound System!

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The Sea Sound Festival announces its second edition, set for July 17 – 20, 2025, in Martinska, Šibenik, Croatia! The festival made a name for itself with its debut as one of the rare events in the country offering attendees and artists the unique experience of music delivered exclusively through custom-made sound systems.

Sea Sound Festival is continuing in this direction. A diverse lineup of genres, stage takeovers by various DJ crews, live performances, and a multitude of local and international musicians will mark these four festival days in Martinska.

At the Sea Sound Festival, the legendary Channel One and P.A.I.N., pioneers of punk/ska/reggae, will perform. These musical acts from the United Kingdom are the first artists announced for the second Sea Sound Festival.Channel One, Thursday, July 17

P.A.I.N., Friday, July 18.

Three sound systems that will elevate the festival stages this year: Seasplash Sound System, Roadtripper Sound System, and Prevara Sound System!

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