Poveznica kopirana u međuspremnik

Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra: Concert in Osijek


Dragi ljubitelji odličnih evenata i još bolje glazbe!

Spremite se za glazbeni spektakl pod vedrim osječkim nebom! Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra dolazi u naš grad i obećava jedinstvenu glazbenu rapsodiju koja će nas sve ostaviti bez daha. Ovaj potencijalno nezaboravan koncert će se održati u dvorištu Stare Pekare 15. lipnja 2024. godine. Spoj multikulturalnosti, virtuoznosti, zabave i dobrog provoda čeka nas već na ulazu.

Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra, sastavljen od talentiranih glazbenika koji spajaju različite glazbene tradicije, donosi nam energičan i zarazan zvuk koji će nas sve natjerati na ples i oslobađanje u ritmu. Bend je poznat po svojoj zabavnoj izvedbi koja spaja balkanske i flamenco ritmove s modernim notama, stvarajući nezaboravan glazbeni doživljaj.

Ulaznice za koncert će biti u pretprodaji po cijeni od 25,00 € za sjedenje i 20,00 € za stajanje. Na dan koncerta, cijene će biti 30,00 € za sjedenje i 25,00 € za stajanje. Ulaznice u pretprodaji od Ponedjeljka 22.04. možete kupiti u Barcelona pubu Osijek te putem online platforme Core Event.

Organizatori ovog spektakla su Kreativna agencija Adverta i Orgasmatron Schedule, koji su se pobrinuli da ovaj događaj bude nezaboravan i uzbudljiv te ovim putem pozivamo sve ljubitelje dobre glazbe da se prepuste ritmu, plesu i uživanju, te da zajedno stvorimo nezaboravnu atmosferu popraćenu čarima otvorenog zvjezdanog neba.

Vidimo se na koncertu!


Dear fans of great events and even better music!

Get ready for a musical spectacle under the clear Osijek sky! Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra comes to our city and promises a unique musical rhapsody that will leave us all breathless. This potentially unforgettable concert will take place in the courtyard of Stara Pekara on June 15, 2024. A combination of multiculturalism, virtuosity, fun and good times awaits us right at the entrance.

Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra, composed of talented musicians who combine different musical traditions, brings us an energetic and infectious sound that will make us all dance and let loose to the rhythm. The band is known for its entertaining performance that combines Balkan and flamenco rhythms with modern notes, creating an unforgettable musical experience.

Tickets for the concert will be on sale in advance at a price of €25.00 for sitting and €20.00 for standing. On the day of the concert, the prices will be €30.00 for sitting and €25.00 for standing. You can buy tickets in the Barcelona pub Osijek and through the Core Event online platform.

The organizers of this spectacle are Creative Agency Adverta and Orgasmatron Schedule, who have made sure that this event is unforgettable and exciting, and we hereby invite all lovers of good music to indulge in rhythm, dance and enjoyment, and together create an unforgettable atmosphere accompanied by the charms of an open starry sky .

See you at the concert! 

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